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01872 278641

Carlyon & Son with John Rabey & Co

Probate and Estate Administration

If you have recently lost someone close to you, one of the last things you may want to deal with while you are grieving is administering the Will and the unavoidable legal matters that go alongside it. We understand how upsetting it can be to deal with any worry about and we are here to help you through the process. 

Our estate solicitors will guide you through the administration process, whether it be to obtain Probate where there is a Will or Letters of Administration where there is no Will, and try to make the process of obtaining Probate/Letters of Administration and administering the Will as easy and painless as possible. We can offer advice to the family, the Executors and the Personal Representatives following a death and assist with all the work associated with obtaining the necessary Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration and administering the estate. 

If the deceased has died without leaving a valid Will then there are strict rules (known as the Intestacy Rules) which set out who will inherit and in some cases how much and we can advise you on your entitlement and the effects. 

Unfortunately, occasionally families and friends can fall out over the provisions in a Will and disputes can arise between different beneficiaries or between the beneficiaries and the Executors. Whatever disputes may sadly arise, we can provide you with clear advice and help you to resolve the dispute. 

Some Wills set up trusts, where usually either money or property is left to either one person during their life or to a group of people. There are a number of reasons why a Will Trust may exist and we can offer a trust management service to deal with the ongoing trust, including advising the trustees, dealing with the annual tax returns and working with financial advisers and accountants. 

Our probate solicitor is Paul Granville and he prides himself on his personal, friendly and sympathetic approach at a time that can be very distressing. If you would like to speak with Paul or arrange an appointment, please contact us on 01872 278641 or by email to 

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